Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Well, I've been attempting to organize my Art Room and these are some old sketches, prints and water colors I found.

My water color class was fun, we would go drive up the canyon and wander off into our own little corners, listen to music and paint whatever we wanted for three hours.
Next to the muddy river
This was off a photo, it's the desert behind EskDale.
An unfinished water color I did after Grandpa Vernon died.

ha ha, my version of Parowan Gap

Intaglio - two horses

Lithograph - Playing with the different types of texture you can achieve when you let the acids and mixtures do the work.

Another Intaglio - next to it's plate. This was one of my first.

This is another texture image. I went around campus and found textures I liked such as a rock or bark on a tree and rolled a brush over it to record the texture. I do believe there is dirt on there. :)

Yet another Intalio - this up at the salt flats behind Eskdale. This also is a texture image. I was trying to figure out all the ways to show it through line work, gradation and a few other processes that I can no longer remember the names of. :(

O.k. this is also unfinished and not that well done. This is a pastel I did of Hayden when she was born. Obviously I never finished and thus it never did become a gift for Rachel. :)

Sketch for a Lithograph. I like the sketch better than the Lithograph.

.Well these are kind of old now but I thought it would be fun to post them. I guess there's no more procrastinating - I must go do Laundry and clean the house!!!!

The Drive

Tom recently fixed up an old truck and this last weekend we decided to put it to the test. We drove from Cedar City to EskDale using only dirt roads. I'm surprised I've never done this before, it was really great. We went through Lund and then past the research station to end up at Crystal Peak. It has been a very long time since going on the dirt roads behind Eskdale. I had a lot of memories come back to me and most of them were of my grandpa Vernon. I remembered our Saturday adventures and him singing his heart out to us as we bobbed down the road. :) And of course with grandpa, most of the songs I'm pretty sure he was making up as he went, because they often were about whoever he was singing too. I thought of him a lot that weekend. He had me convinced that he was friends with an antelope and when we would see one he would say, "oh that's my friend Henry (or something like that) And through the Sage Brush we would go, chasing his friend. I miss him a lot and miss having a cup of coffee with him and discussing jewelry and all the other many subjects we would talk about.
Anyways, I forgot to take pictures except for these two. We were just about to head down the dirt road towards Garrison. The dogs loved the freedom of being let loose and running. Thankfully they came back every time!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Starts

Well, summer feels like it's coming to an end. I have not been keeping up with my painting like I'd hoped I would but I thought I'd just post some things I've been doing. First is the next painting in the sphere series that I just can't seem to make myself finish. I have felt very frustrated with Art this year. Every time I see a canvas an anxiety attack is sure to follow :).
It has been an emotionally difficult summer for me for some reason and well, thats that. so
first: the painting that I have been working on for about forever. Then I posted some photos of my sketch book. WARNING: Some of my sketches are of nudes so if you don't want to see that, feel free to stop :)

This was my attempt and coming up with ways to mix abstract and realism.

Which led to this quick painting study (yes I know my
anatomy is horrible but it was my fastest painting ever :))
I have always thought Pruhdon was the master at life drawings so I did these to kind of get a feel of how he lays the charcoal done ect... I just looked at his old sketches and attempted them my self :) Needless to say, I don't even compare!!

Quick gesture study the other night, so I don't forget how to draw.

Let's be honest, how many times do we miss coloring :) These are some of my laundry drawings. Meaning, while I'm bored and doing laundry I make myself somewhat of a coloring book.
Alright, thats that. I have got to stop panicking because I don't feel good enough to go to school and just do what I love, because it's what I love and I do it for me. Right?? Be prepared.. more to come :)