Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Days 10 & 11

Day 10 "Childhood Memory"

Day 11 "Something Blue"

Day 9 "Someone you Love"

Day 8

Day 8 - "Bad Habit"

I decided on the habit of buying shoes... which really isn't that much of a habit. (Is this denial?) I counted that I own.... way too many shoes and this is just a sampling. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 7

Day 7- "Fruit"

Day 6

Day 6 "From a low angle"

I didn't have too much energy yesterday so laying in the yard with the dogs it was. :)

Honey was the only dog that would sit and pose for me. She is such a good sitter that if you forgot to let her know you were done with her you'd look over and she'd still be sitting 10 minutes later. :)

In all the pictures you'll notice Honey sitting proudly and my silly dogs off playing and ignoring me :S

30 day Challenge Day 5

I combined day 5 with a little painting reference photo shoot. I had a lot of fun (and frustration) playing with lighting so that the photos would be a great source of color reference for skin tones. I think I got the perfect reference but it is not here - you will see it at a later date in oil and on a canvas :)!

Audrey handled having bright lights shone in her face quite well and she is just quite lovely if I do say so myself.
This is the day 5 assignment "From a high angle"

Day's 3 & 4

30 day photo challenge cont..

Day 3 -"Clouds" and there were of course absolutely no clouds in the sky. Clearest day this year, I'm sure.. :)

I was able to find these wisps over the mountain near Duck Creek.

Day 4 - "Something Green"