Saturday, August 10, 2013

100 years later....

100 years later... I finally updated my blog!

You may now exhale, those of you that have been holding your breath waiting for me to update my blog. Well, that sentence may not be necessary for the simple fact that if you had, in fact, been holding your breath you would... be dead by now.

Brace yourself. This is going to be a bit of a long blog.

To sum up a year in one blog... is surprisingly easy!

Not much has been going on. Work. Home. Work. Home.

We did find this hike.

"Ladder Canyon"

We.. Explored the Mojave a little bit more:

We also.. Made Emma a "Unicorn Dog"

Made Daisy a "Unicorn Dog". Because it's ironic.

Hung out by the pool. sigh*
 Made Daisy work for it :)

Worked A LOT of Event's and enjoyed a few.
 TOOK VACATION of course.
Had a giant Fire!
 And a very beautiful red moon.
 I did meet an Ostrich, which was.. pretty cool!
 Dyed my hair blonde! Thank you Rose!
Enjoyed San Diego


Went to EskDale!!
AND of course a visit from Rosaleen and Audrey (Somehow I didn't get apicture of Rose :( :(
 And that's it! I'm all caught up. *whew*

I hope everyone's summer has been wonderful.  Hard to believe it is almost over.

1 comment:

jhami said...

Yeah! I've been *waiting to exhale*
Glad you didn't quit :)
Lovely photos of course.....