Monday, October 19, 2009

This Semester I am in a digital painting class and so far I am really liking it. the following is my first full on digital painting. The process is much like normal painting but a lot less messy. I started with a blank canvas (page) toned it. then drew the image and made my own brushes and colors in photoshop and painted. We had a critique with a pretty well known digital illustrator and that didn't go to well. I said, "Dont show this to anyone that matters or you'll never get a job". well, phoey on him. :)


Annette said...

So what was his problem with it? I like it and I can tell who it is. ;-)

BethanyLaRue said...

Well, He actually had a really good point. It is conceptually lacking. He said it was pretty but who cares. The assignment was to illustrate "Splendid Isolation". I thought rather than having someone in a huge space to focus on the fact you can be in a splendid Isolation in your own head. He didn't buy it.

Annette said...

Ummmm, so Beth, your blog is feeling pretty lonely. I think you should use to tell us all what you've been up to in Cedar city lately. ☺