Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I was digging through some old papers that I have kept and came across this story. I am leaving the spelling as I wrote it. I think it is kind of funny. :)

February 7, 1994

Once upon a time there was a boy named Teddy and a girl named Aleen. They were walking and fell in a hole, but Teddy got out and Aleen fell further down, down into the hole. Teddy was scared but Teddy was going to get someone to help when a monster came after Teddy. The monster ran ten times faster and had helpers. Suddenly a flying horse picked up Teddy and asked what was the matter. Teddy said my sister is down in that hole. The horse put Teddy in a tree and flew down into the hole. The horse was gone a long time. Finally the horse came out with Teddy's sister. Teddy was so glad to see his sister.

The end.

by Bethany