Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Drive

Tom recently fixed up an old truck and this last weekend we decided to put it to the test. We drove from Cedar City to EskDale using only dirt roads. I'm surprised I've never done this before, it was really great. We went through Lund and then past the research station to end up at Crystal Peak. It has been a very long time since going on the dirt roads behind Eskdale. I had a lot of memories come back to me and most of them were of my grandpa Vernon. I remembered our Saturday adventures and him singing his heart out to us as we bobbed down the road. :) And of course with grandpa, most of the songs I'm pretty sure he was making up as he went, because they often were about whoever he was singing too. I thought of him a lot that weekend. He had me convinced that he was friends with an antelope and when we would see one he would say, "oh that's my friend Henry (or something like that) And through the Sage Brush we would go, chasing his friend. I miss him a lot and miss having a cup of coffee with him and discussing jewelry and all the other many subjects we would talk about.
Anyways, I forgot to take pictures except for these two. We were just about to head down the dirt road towards Garrison. The dogs loved the freedom of being let loose and running. Thankfully they came back every time!!

1 comment:

Rosaleen said...

Glad you had a good time.

I really miss Grandpa too, and always think of him when I'm out in the mountains. Also, when I make jewelry - it ALWAYS makes me think of him. He's really the one who inspired me to get in to that in the first place.

Love ya!