Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Well, I've been attempting to organize my Art Room and these are some old sketches, prints and water colors I found.

My water color class was fun, we would go drive up the canyon and wander off into our own little corners, listen to music and paint whatever we wanted for three hours.
Next to the muddy river
This was off a photo, it's the desert behind EskDale.
An unfinished water color I did after Grandpa Vernon died.

ha ha, my version of Parowan Gap

Intaglio - two horses

Lithograph - Playing with the different types of texture you can achieve when you let the acids and mixtures do the work.

Another Intaglio - next to it's plate. This was one of my first.

This is another texture image. I went around campus and found textures I liked such as a rock or bark on a tree and rolled a brush over it to record the texture. I do believe there is dirt on there. :)

Yet another Intalio - this up at the salt flats behind Eskdale. This also is a texture image. I was trying to figure out all the ways to show it through line work, gradation and a few other processes that I can no longer remember the names of. :(

O.k. this is also unfinished and not that well done. This is a pastel I did of Hayden when she was born. Obviously I never finished and thus it never did become a gift for Rachel. :)

Sketch for a Lithograph. I like the sketch better than the Lithograph.

.Well these are kind of old now but I thought it would be fun to post them. I guess there's no more procrastinating - I must go do Laundry and clean the house!!!!


roseofsharcon said...

Aww, Bethany, I love them all! Especially the one with your Grandpa. :( You are an amazing artist!

Rosaleen said...

I really like them too, and am in awe of your talent.

By the way - I really like the watercolor of the yucca....I bet Mom would love it too. Is that from one of her photographs?