Sunday, June 5, 2011

A day in June

I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family. This weekend my Aunt Gwendy let me come out and took me for a horse ride. I have been wanting to ride a horse again for a long time and it was perfect! Shorty (the horse I rode) was wonderful, he was very calm and easy to ride. I have to admit that after the ride I felt as though someone had beaten me with a two x four. :)

Little Gus and Emma got to meet - Emma is such a pill. She just sat and growled at poor Gus the whole time. :(

This is Melanie's new lamb for 4-H. When she would jump in the air it would jump with her. Very cute, and unfortunately I took all these pictures with my phone so it wasn't fast enough to catch the jumping.

This is Gwendy working with her young horse Concho. It was incredibly neat to watch. He is an absolutely beautiful horse and very smart.
Melanie took a picture of me posing with her pony.
This is Shorty, Nakia's horse that I rode. We made a good pair. His foot hurt a little and I hurt a little. I'm sure we looked like we were returning from battle at the end. I was about to ride him doing a handstand. jk)
It was really wonderful and I forgot how much I love horses.
And now to quote a little Winston Churchill.
"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man"

Audrey was very kind and agreed to take my family through the cave that night. We were also joined my the very lovely Jenny Hamilton and adorable miss Eva.

Well, now on to the rest of the week. Hope everybody has a great week!

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