Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Outside in Progress: A yellow House

Ah the outside of the house - a huge project of overgrown plants and a dead lawn. We removed all the Ivy and most the plants that were taking over the house. We went with a color called Wheat Field (yellow) for the outside with a white trim. Here are some before pictures -
(below) Front entry way
(below) Garage
(below) Front of the house, next to the entry way.
(below) Street side of the house
(below) the back yard. Looking even more white trash than normal with the laundry machines sitting on the back patio.
(below) The beginning of the painting.

(below) The back patio.
(below) Street side of the house.
The yard is going to be quite the project. Hopefully, I will be able to get everything green and just lovely! I'll be honest.. I'm not know for my love of yard work or my ability to keep plants alive. Wish me Luck!

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