Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The 80's are totally back

There are times in your life where keeping your eye on the future and living in the present just isn't cutting it. So what must one do in these times - why turn up that Madonna, Blondie and Depeche Mode and live it up 80's style of course. :P

The Casper Clan keeping it cool.
Above is our 80's surrealist dream. Jenny just having a sit down with a glow in the dark cowboy walking over the Sun. And I, of course, am holding the Sun.

I realized that I maybe didn't really know that much about the 80's. That I was misguided in my ideas of what it was. Thank goodness for Google or I may have shown up in MC Hammer pants. I decided on a totally rad look. And yes, I know what your thinking.... Bethany IS totally RAD....mostly because there is still a sticker on her glasses.

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